/* Navicat MySQL Data Transfer Source Server : Source Server Version : 50528 Source Host : localhost:3306 Source Database : chapter16 Target Server Type : MYSQL Target Server Version : 50528 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 2019-09-03 09:17:00 */ SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for t_cart -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_cart`; CREATE TABLE `t_cart` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `uid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `money` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=10 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of t_cart -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `t_cart` VALUES ('1', '4', '0'); INSERT INTO `t_cart` VALUES ('2', '5', '0'); INSERT INTO `t_cart` VALUES ('3', '6', '0'); INSERT INTO `t_cart` VALUES ('4', '7', '0'); INSERT INTO `t_cart` VALUES ('5', '1', '0'); INSERT INTO `t_cart` VALUES ('6', '9', '0'); INSERT INTO `t_cart` VALUES ('7', '10', '0'); INSERT INTO `t_cart` VALUES ('8', '13', '0'); 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-- ---------------------------- -- Records of t_goods -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `t_goods` VALUES ('1', '可口可乐', '32', '2018-11-25', '酒水饮料', '巴厘岛原装进口 百事可乐(Pepsi) blue 蓝色可乐 网红可乐汽水饮料 450ml*4瓶装', '201811/7b001eee-38df-4c66-9a0f-350879007402_js1.jpg', '1', '5'); INSERT INTO `t_goods` VALUES ('2', '易拉罐可口可乐', '88', '2018-11-25', '酒水饮料', '日本原装进口 可口可乐(Coca-Cola)碳酸饮料 500ml*6罐,味道谁喝谁知道!', '201811/f65d85f4-a622-4f6b-bbdf-2e354d7b0737_js2.jpg', '1', '5'); INSERT INTO `t_goods` VALUES ('3', '干红', '480', '2018-11-25', '酒水饮料', '自营张裕(CHANGYU)红酒 张裕干红葡萄酒750ml*6瓶(彩龙版),', '201811/fa61ef77-4adc-4895-962b-fcb084e3e809_js3.jpg', '1', '4'); INSERT INTO `t_goods` VALUES ('4', '进口红酒', '999', '2018-11-25', '酒水饮料', '法国进口红酒 拉菲(LAFITE)传奇波尔多干红葡萄酒 双支礼盒装带酒具 750ml*2瓶', '201811/cb233c79-2f18-4f97-afad-0d2079098345_js4.jpg', '1', '3'); INSERT INTO `t_goods` VALUES ('5', '草莓饼干', '8', '2018-11-25', '饼干糕点', '土斯(Totaste) 葡萄味夹层饼干(含葡萄果粒) 休闲零食蛋糕甜点心 实惠分享装360g', '201811/afdd4cd4-9782-46a5-96ed-0ba3c4036379_bg1.jpg', '1', '5'); INSERT INTO `t_goods` VALUES ('6', '蔬菜棒', '12', '2018-11-25', '饼干糕点', '土斯(Totaste) 混合蔬菜味棒形饼干 酥脆可口 独立包装 休闲零食蛋糕甜点心小吃 128g', '201811/8bdbdb3f-4cb6-4af8-9c6f-183411537726_bg2.jpg', '1', '4'); INSERT INTO `t_goods` VALUES ('7', '曲奇', '58', '2018-11-25', '饼干糕点', '丹麦进口 皇冠(danisa)丹麦曲奇精选礼盒装908g(新老包装随机发货)', '201811/db2a101d-600a-44c5-8d0f-0a3b173f81aa_bg3.jpg', '1', '5'); INSERT INTO `t_goods` VALUES ('8', '夹心饼干', '16', '2018-11-25', '饼干糕点', '马来西亚原装进口 茱蒂丝Julie\'s雷蒙德巧克力榛果夹心饼干180g×2', '201811/3b047c04-6b23-491d-bf9c-5405cf36c308_bg4.jpg', '1', '5'); INSERT INTO `t_goods` VALUES ('9', '玉米棒', '18', '2018-11-25', '休闲零食', '印尼进口 Nabati 丽芝士(Richeese)雅嘉 休闲零食 奶酪味 玉米棒 400g/盒 早餐下午茶', '201811/287f1938-f039-4d24-9942-3c8a456d757b_ls1.jpg', '1', '5'); INSERT INTO `t_goods` VALUES ('10', '千层酥', '8', '2018-11-25', '休闲零食', '葡韵手信 澳门特产 休闲零食 传统糕点小吃 千层酥150g 新旧包装随机发货', '201811/7570a0dc-eacb-4b61-9085-966ac322172f_ls2.jpg', '1', '5'); INSERT INTO `t_goods` VALUES ('11', '海苔', '10', '2018-11-25', '休闲零食', '泰国原装进口休闲零食 老板仔 超大片烤海苔脆紫菜 经典原味 54g/袋(新老包装随机发货)', '201811/62c5370b-2f32-450f-ba4c-401a004d5270_ls3.jpg', '1', '5'); INSERT INTO `t_goods` VALUES ('12', '提子干', '5', '2018-11-25', '休闲零食', '三只松鼠无核白葡萄干蜜饯果干休闲食品新疆特产提子干120g/袋', '201811/4e807511-5515-4ec8-9e20-41e8f49ece66_ls4.jpg', '1', '5'); INSERT INTO `t_goods` VALUES ('13', '青岛啤酒', '118', '2018-11-25', '酒水饮料', '青岛啤酒(TsingTao) 青岛啤酒经典10度 500ml*24听,好喝又实惠!', '201811/555da004-a18c-4fa9-9f23-094551928831_js5.jpg', '1', '5'); INSERT INTO `t_goods` VALUES ('14', '手撕面包', '19', '2018-11-25', '饼干糕点', '三只松鼠 手撕面包1000g整箱装零食大礼包口袋面包孕妇零食早餐食品生日蛋糕小糕点点心礼盒装', '201811/12a3f75c-8ddd-41d8-862f-93f342e5e41e_bg5.png', '1', '5'); INSERT INTO `t_goods` VALUES ('15', '开心果', '13', '2018-11-25', '休闲零食', '满199减120三只松鼠 开心果100g坚果炒货零食每日坚果 1袋装', '201811/d468a868-a7b8-4ad6-bde1-124e23c66437_ls5.jpg', '1', '5'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for t_goodstype -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_goodstype`; CREATE TABLE `t_goodstype` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `level` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '1或2', `parentName` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `flag` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '1有效 2无效', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=8 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of t_goodstype -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `t_goodstype` VALUES ('1', '酒水饮料', '1', null, '1'); INSERT INTO `t_goodstype` VALUES ('2', '饼干糕点', '1', null, '1'); INSERT INTO `t_goodstype` VALUES ('3', '休闲零食', '1', null, '1'); INSERT INTO `t_goodstype` VALUES ('4', '喂养用品', '1', null, '1'); INSERT INTO `t_goodstype` VALUES ('5', '洗护用品', '1', null, '1'); INSERT INTO `t_goodstype` VALUES ('6', '美妆个护', '1', null, '1'); INSERT INTO `t_goodstype` VALUES ('7', '', '1', null, '1'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for t_order -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_order`; CREATE TABLE `t_order` ( `id` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `uaid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `uid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `createtime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `money` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `flag` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of t_order -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `t_order` VALUES ('20190903091114465585f704e-e430-4d26-80ba-144e958cc7b0', '12', '13', '2019-09-03 09:11:14', '352', '1'); 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